Friday, 28 January 2011

Thriller Opening: Annotated Script

      A man is sleeping in his bed. He is restless and is dreaming.
      (1. High angle shot of man & bed)                                        
      He 'tosses and turns'.
      (2. The frame fades away)
      The same man is seen observing a young girl on a swing.
      (3. Long shot / Over the shoulder of man)
       As she swings back and forth, the sound of the swing squeaking can be heard.
      (Sound 1.: Edited in sound of squeaking swing)

      A man is then seen leading the same young girl down a solitary street, they walk further down the street - into the distance and turn the corner.
      (4. Long shot) 

      Just before the young girl is completely out of sight, a sharp, loud scream is heard. 
      (Sound 2.: Edited in sound of scream)

      The man is then seen rapidly running down the street in the direction that the couple had previously gone. He gets to the crossroads at the end of the street and stops. 
      (5. Low altitude shot of running man)

      At the end of the street, the leg of the young girl can be seen.
      (6. High angle long shot of man - leg in corner of screen)
      The man slowly approaches in horror as he begins to realise what has happened.
      (7. Panning long shot - extension of previous)

      As he inches closer, more of the young girl can slowly be seen until.
      (8. Slow zoom of girl's lower body)
       The sleeping man suddenly wakes up in a sweat.
       (9. Fast zoom out from man's face - as he suddenly awakes)

Thriller Opening: Script

      A man is sleeping in his bed. He is restless and is dreaming. As he 'tosses and turns', the frame fades away.
      The same man is seen observing a young girl on a swing. As she swings back and forth, the sound of the swing squeaking can be heard.
      A man is then seen leading the same young girl down a solitary street, they walk further down the street - into the distance and turn the corner.
      Just before the young girl is completely out of sight, a sharp, loud scream is heard. 
      The man is then seen rapidly running down the street in the direction that the couple had previously gone. He gets to the crossroads at the end of the street and stops. 
      At the end of the street, the leg of the young girl can be seen. The man slowly approaches in horror as he begins to realise what has happened.
      As he inches closer, more of the young girl can slowly be seen until .
      The sleeping man suddenly wakes up in a sweat.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Political Thriller Conventions

Political thriller Conventions:
  • We are referring to movies that are set agaisnt the background of a political power struggle.
  • Various Plots can be used.
  • They very rarely use legal plots.
  • They are normally there to try and give political power to someone.
  • The antaganist in this sub genre are usually trying to the protaganist from reaching this power/goal.
  • Sometimes either or both international or national political scenarios are used.
  • Some favourite political scenarios are World War 2 and presidential elections.
  • Some examples of the political thriller sub genre are The contender, Agency, The man from Majorca, All the presidents men and JFK.

Crime and Action sub-genres

Conventions of a Crime sub genre:

      Crime thrillers are a popular type of thriller, these thrillers include dramatic crimes, failed or successful, that have been committed.
      They normally always include, car chases, murders, robberies and shootouts.
      These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasise action over psychological aspects.
      Popular crime thrillers are: No Country for Old Men, Reservoir Dogs, and Hostage.

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men
was a extremely successful
crime thriller and was directed
by Joel and Ethan Coen,
it grossed $74,283,000 and
95% of reviews given by
critics were positive.

Action thriller:

      The Action genre is regularly accompanied with Thrillers to create an very exciting, dramatic and heart racing film. The fact that there is a story line with twists and thrills throughout - along with action packed fights, car chases and explosions create the perfect "thrill".
      One example of a Action Thriller is James Bond: Quantum of Solace.
This is another very high grossing and popular action thriller film, James Bond films have been legendarily famous for its opening sequences that separate it from other films of the same sub genre.

quantam of solace

Thriller Opening Plan: Feedback

How to make 'Steve' transparent.
      -Editing technique - reduced opaqueness post-production.

Location of park.
      -Park in Sawston.

Location of house.
      -Matt's - coincided with other filming.

Risk Assessment.
      -Complete a risk assessment evaluation.

Establishment of reality and dream.
      -Colouring, black and white? Blurring. (Through editing post-production)

Friday, 21 January 2011

Film Production Company Logo (Final)

Northern lights
      This is our film production company logo. It is called purity films and includes a painting like picture of the northern lights. Our company's inspiration is the northern lights and their seamless beauty. This gave us the idea for the company's name: 'Purity Films', as the northern lights are a natural phenomenon.
      We didn't base our ideas off of other logos. We came across the idea by thinking of natural settings and happenings that are portrayed to be beautiful and rare which give them a 'special' quality, thereby increasing their memorablility. This is effective because we are trying to convey the values and philosify of Purity Films through its logo, and we see the northern lights as a perfect example.

Much the same to the northern lights, you don't watch a Purity Film -- you experience it.

Film Production logo (Idea)

This is an idea for our film production logo. we thought it was too sinister for the intended purpose.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Example Thriller Opening Soundtrack

     Our example soundtrack is a mediumly tempoed in order to convey a dramatic feel. We have incorporated strings, as through our research of thriller films' soundtracks, we have observed that it is somewhat of a convention. Strings are a feminine group of instruments and excel in portraying a romantic, an atmospheric feel.
      Specifically instrumented percussion is used - consisting of the 'shaker' and 'chimes'. We wanted to use soft percussion, as it can easily become overpower, and overshadow the melodic elements.
      The acoustic guitar is used both for rhythmical accompaniment, as well as melody. This choice of instrumentation gives the composition a 'folkish' vibe, which is used to gain authenticity.

Thriller Opening Sequences: Sound

Catch me if you can:
      The soundtrack used was of orchestral instrumentation, it was a jazzy theme in which the main melody includes a saxophone and bassoon. The tempo adapted and synchronised with what was going on in the cinematography. There was no percussion used, which gave the soundtrack a empty unfulfilled feel, reflecting the narrative of the film.

Face off:
      The Face off soundtrack was powerful and compelling, that gave a dramatic feel to a opening scene. It was mainly orchestral and included clarinet and strings, the glockenspiel provided a rhythmic accompaniment.

Panic room:
      The low sinister tune gives a dark dingy feel to the soundtrack and is already helping to give a idea of the film theme.
      It also gives a fast and powerful tempo that fits with the background images in new York to show the powerful fast moving city.
      It is mainly orchestral and includes strings and percussion.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Analysis of past student thriller projects Q1-07


What they included:
  • Holding a steady shot where appropriate - basic, they had some unsteady shots during moments where it seemed they shouldn't.
  • Framing a shot, including and excluded elements as appropriate - basic level, due to limited use of effective mise en scene.
  • Use a variety of shot distances as appropriate - creative use, variety of shot distance during the chase and chess game.
  • Shooting material appropriate to the task set - creative, material within the film are suitable to the thriller genre.
  • Selecting mise en scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting - creative, use of black and white shots and colour in the editing, use of props such as: guns, and chess board. They were effective in giveing good understanding of what's happening.
  • Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer - basic, multiple jump cuts parallel with each over to portray a sense or urgency to the viewer. 
  • Using varied shot transition and other effects selectively and appropriately for the task set - creative,  at the beginning they used animated credits which were effective as they give a professional 'look' to the opening.
  • Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set - basic, use of eerie music to give sense of danger and mystery, voice over suggests an over watching feel to the opening.
  • Using titles appropriately - basic, use of credits show all the basic information needed including production company etc.
 Planning and Research.

  • Research into similar products and potential target audience - proficient, large number of varying examples.
  • Organisation of actors, locations, costumes and props - proficient, a good amount of organisation orientated blogs.
  • Work on shot lists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboard - basic, don't include as much detail as they could of, however, they do include a basic amount of planning information on what they do or have done.
  • Care in the presentation of the research and planning - minimal, blog is shallow in information and un-organised into stages used before filming and post production work.
Overall Level -- 33 marks -- High level 2

BBFC Classifications - '15', '18'

'15' Classification
      A piece of media classified with a rating of '15' suggests it's suitability is for that of a person 15 years of age and over, and may only be viewed by people of this age or above. In terms of strong language, the British Board of Film Classification states that '...there may be frequent use of strong language. The strongest  terms may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.'
      Drug usage is acceptable in '15' films, however, the use of drugs may not be promoted and the use of harder drugs may be unacceptable depending on the circumstances. Sex and nudity is acceptable but full frontal nudity is not permitted in a '15'.

'18' Classification

      No-one younger than 18 may see an ‘18’ rated film in a cinema nor may they rent or buy an ‘18’ rated video/DVD. An '18' can contain almost anything providing it is not a breach of law. Nudity, sex, drugs and violence are permitted within an '18' because, as the BBFC state '...adults should be free to choose their own entertainment.' and they are capable of making their own judgement.


Friday, 14 January 2011

Comparison Between Opening Sequences

Catch Me if You Can

      This opening sequence lasts approximately 2 and a half minutes.
During this time, extensive credits are shown, accompanied with a uniquely styled animation.

      The animation in essence, gives a crude outline of the narrative, focusing on the frequent schemes of deception, constant pursuit and disguise. This is an effective prognostic of the film to follow, and in turn, portrays a narrative consolidated around crime and transgression.

      The theme of identity is strongly suggested through animation of a character frequently changing outfits, reflecting his identity, or perhaps in this case - lack of.

Quantum of Solace

      This opening sequence lasts approximately 3 and a half minutes.
During this time, extensive credits are shown, accompanied by a blend of 3D CGI animation and landscape photography.

      The animation has intricate layers of CGI, photography and seamless transitions. This was done in order to mirror the level complexity and sophistication in the film to follow.

      The content of the animation is disorientating and mysterious with an underlying theme of action, crime and sex. This again foreshadows the events of the film to come. Identity is a major theme in the introductory sequence as well, and again is suggestive of  the protagonists lack of identity. This is achieved through the minimalist detail on the face of the character within the animation - with his suit, being more distinguishable.


      Both films use (albeit differently styled) animation as their medium during the introductory opening sequence. This suggests a convention in the action-thriller genre.

      Both films have clear identity orientated themes, and specificity focused on a absence of identity. Therefore both films in the this respect conform to the conventions of the thriller genre.

      Differences arise however in the duration of the opening sequences, with a 60 second time contrariety.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Preliminary Task and Evaluation

What did we learn?
-We learnt the importance of consistent continuity throughout our short film.
-We learnt about the effectiveness of high-angled shots in order to create a 'weaker' image of 'P.Nus'.

Were there any difficulties?
Due to shortage of staff, filming proved difficult, however we were able to overcome this problem through teamwork and organization.
Our raw footage was over the specification's requirements, we overcame this problem through high amounts of cutting, and increasing the speed of certain sequences.

How we constructed our prelim 'Microareas'.